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North america in a sentence

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Sentence count:243+7Posted:2017-06-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: south americanafrican americanamericaAmericanPan-Americanamerican dreammesoamericalatin americaMeaning: n. 1. a continent (the third largest) in the western hemisphere connected to South America by the Isthmus of Panama 2. the nations of the North American continent collectively. 
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(121) Great tongues of cold air at times sweep down over North America.
(122) In Europe, Copenhagen was voted the best airport, while in North America Halifax came in first.
(123) Different species of Plestidon skink are native to the same parts of Western North America, but are different sizes.
(124) Concerts and festivals celebrating the composer's 75th birthday continue through the year in North America, Europe and Australia.
(125) European moth introduced into North America; a serious pest of shade trees.
(126) Ms. Zhu has performed throughout North America, Europe, and China as a soloist, recitalist, and chamber musician.
(127) Columbus set out in search of a new route to the Indies and discovered North America.
(128) A series of mountain ranges of extreme western North America extending from southeast Alaska to Baja California along the coastline of the Pacific Ocean.
(129) The company also remains committed to its expansion plans in North America with the recent succesful opening of Vancouver Shangri-La.
(130) Neal Wilson's parents spent their lives ministering for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Indonesia, North America, Africa, Southern Asia, and the South Pacific.
(131) Experts say over four hundred fifty kinds of lady beetles are found in North America.
(132) It Shows that for adapting growing circumstance the genetical structure of Taxodium ascendens Brongn has taken place changes since it is introduced from North America to plant in different areas.
(133) Comprehensivez directory of every area code in North America and the Caribbean.
(134) The idea was to keep a B-52 with advanced communication capabilities in the air around the clock over Greenland and North America.
(135) As one of the earliest black poets in America, Phillis Wheatley is known as "the Mother of Black Literature in North America".
(136) A tall evergreen tree ( Picea abies) with long, dark green needles, native to Europe and widely cultivated in North America.
(137) Use the FlagPride Flags of North America as a screen saver or as a stand-alone program.
(138) Moose : A hoofed mammal found in forests of northern North America and in Eurasia and having a broad, pendulous muzzle and large, palmate antlers in the male.
(139) Standing in Tennessee's Clinch River, a marine biologist holds three species of freshwater mussel, the most endangered animal group in North America.
(140) Besides these medicinal herbs, he added a plant known in North America as "Oswego tea, " which made an excellent beverage.
(141) His wealth is estimated between $30 million and $50 million and he has associated with major criminal enterprises throughout North America and Europe, including the Irish Republican america.html
(142) In those forests of China we have surviving species like gingko, the maidenhair tree which has been in cultivation in Europe and North America since the 17th century.
(143) An eelpout ( Macrozoarces americanus ) of the coastal waters of northeast North America.
(144) The colonist from England and France not only left some marks of domination in this North America land, but also stamped deep brands on Canadian constitution.
(145) European grass naturalized as a weed in North America; sharp-pointed seeds cause injury when eaten by livestock.
(146) Any of various evergreen shrubs of the genus Mahonia, especially M. aquifolium of northwest North America, having compound leaves with spiny-toothed leaflets and black berries with blue bloom.
(147) Mr Phelps, 51, has seen the fox squirrel, a native of North America, become so overweight that a low-calorie diet would seem to be required.
(148) Aletris in the lily family, especially A. farinosa of eastern North America, having racemes of small white flowers and rootstocks formerly used in medicine to treat colic.
(149) Put more than 12,000 people shoulder deep in pools across North America without a stitch of clothing in sight, and what do you get?
(150) The Clovis people were believed to be the first to colonise North America after emigrating from Asia, and are said to be the ancestors of all present day Native American tribes.
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